Market Share provides a measure of the relative share a business has in a given market compared to its competitors.
Market Growth Rate is a measure of the extent at which the market a company operates in is growing.
Brand Equity is a measure of the value a brand adds to an organisation's products or services.
Cost per Lead is a measure of the costs for generating new customers.
Conversion Rate is a measure of the success rate of turning customer leads or potential customers into actual customers.
Search Engine Rankings measures the ranking a company's website achieves.
Click-Through Rate measures the amount of people who actually visit a company's website after key word searches.
Page Views measures the total number of web pages viewed on the website.
Bounce Rate essentially represents a measure of website attractiveness.
Customer Online Engagement Level measures the level of engagement of customers with each other.
Online Share of Voice (OSOV) measures the relative share of online mentions of a brand
Social Networking Footprint is data collected through online tools that measure how consumers interact with a brand
Klout Score is an indicator of social media influence (for companies or individuals).
Corporate Reputation is an indicator of the reputation a company has in the eyes of its customers.
First Contact Resolution (FCR) is a measure of the effectiveness with which a company is resolving customer queries.
Website Non-Availability measures the time that a website is not available.
Revenue per User (RPU) measures a company's profitability on a per-user basis.
Percentage Revenue per Major Customer measures a company's profitability on a per-customer basis
Sales by Channel is an indicator that breaks sales down by the channel through which the sales were generated.
Brand Persuasion Score measures the percentage of customers who say that the strength of the brand was a major influence of the purchasing decision.
Quotation Conversion Rate measures the success rate (percentage) a company achieves of converting quotes for business into actual orders.
Upselling Success Rate measures the percentage of upselling attempts or opportunities that are successful and sales are made.
Cross-Selling Success Rate measures the percentage of upselling attempts or opportunities that are successful and sales are made.
Cost to Serve (by customer or segment) is a measure that helps to understand the profitability of a customer account
Acquisition Retention Spending Ratio provides companies with an insight into the amount they spend to acquire new customers compared to the amount they spend to retain.